Lane Clark Workshop Series

real. thinking learning assesment



processes for learning

2 Day Workshop


2–day extension workshop: real thinking™


Workshop_ProcessesforLearningAll ‘subject’ learning, requires the attainment of knowledge, skills and processes. Unfortunately, in most curriculum documents, it is only the knowledge and skills that are explicitly identified. The omission of ‘process outcomes’ has significant implications on the thinking and learning outcomes achieved by our learners. Successful learning requires the knowledge of; and the ability to, progress through a wide variety of processes. Effective problem solving can be promoted through the use of a problem solving process; quality writing can be enhanced through the use of a publishing process; the ability to engage in effective, valid investigation can be improved with the use of an investigatory process; and the use of a technology process can advance the capacity to produce innovative products.

Processes provide learners with a picture of the ‘whole’ while enabling them to focus their attention on the ‘parts’. Confusion and incomplete thinking is avoided; quality is promoted; self-direction, responsibility, accountability and autonomy are explicitly facilitated. What if learners were empowered with processes for learning?

You will explore a wide variety of learning processes that can be used cross – curricularly, and at all developmental levels. Don’t miss this workshop. Learner engagement, enablement and empowerment are only a few processes away!


  • explore a diversity of processes for learning along with student exemplars that demonstrate their use
  • explore the learning jobs associated with each specific learning process so that you can effectively infuse each process for learning in both subject specific and cross curricular ways
  • develop your knowledge and understanding of the relationships that exist between a process for learning, associated criteria and associated planners
  • develop your knowledge and understanding of the relationships that exist between a diversity of processes for learning so that you can strategically layer processes for more rigorous, authentic learning experiences
  • explore processes, associated criteria and planners that have been developed at a diversity of developmental levels
  • learn how to manipulate processes, and associated criteria and planners to meet both your curriculum outcomes; and the specific needs of your learners
  • explore the relationship between how the brain locks learning into long term memory and the use of processes for learning
  • gain practical knowledge and understanding of processes for learning as you use them yourself
The Lane Clark Real Learning Process Series is comprised of the following frameworks:

authorthink™publisher’s process: A framework for quality publishing
sciencethink™investigative process: A framework for quality investigation
solutionthink™problem solving process: A framework for solving problems or meeting challenges
techthink™design process: A framework for quality production
thinkitthru™decision making process: A framework for quality decision making
readerthink™reading process: A framework for quality reading and deep comprehension
thinkit™discovery process: A framework of deconstruction that leads to the independent discovery of base characteristics
thinkitgreat™discovery process: A framework that deliberately engages learners in deep deconstruction so that they can independently develop rigorous criteria; and engage in powerful construction
futurethink™discovery process: A framework for responsible future prediction, ownership and active citizenship