The Lane Clark Workshop Series is an approach to teacher professional in-service, which recognizes, promotes and builds upon developmental learning. Because this approach represents a fundamental shift in curriculum design and delivery, its successful implementation and more important, the sustainment of new practices are more likely to occur after participants develop both a cognitive and emotional commitment to the approach. Consequently, the Lane Clark Workshop Series offers a multi-staged program with a single entry point. The purpose of the two-day introductory seminar, where thinking and learning meet™, is to share the general philosophy of Lane’s work as well as the research that underpins the approach.Participants can make an educated decision with regard to further in-service. It also introduces the foundational knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for rigorous and substantive pedagogical change. Each workshop to follow increases in complexity and depth as it builds on the understandings and practices previously gained within the workshop series. Participants ‘own’ their professional growth and development as they determine their journey along the continuum.
where thinking and learning meet™
real thinking™
processes for learning
real assessment™
real portfolios™
real learning™
thinking based literacy
real thinking, real learning AND brain basics
‘unpacking’ the curriculum
beyond the series
bespoke workshops
in school planning
in school modeling
action research program
Because the approach uses strategically framed tools and processes to teach learners how to think and how to learn, the following student outcomes will be achieved as teachers increase their capacity to design and deliver curriculum in a new and different way.
Your learners will:
By-products will include:
Support for Teachers
Lane offers substantive free support following her workshops. She invites teachers to email her directly with questions as they arise; she provides access to the ‘get connected’ section of her website where teachers engage in a learning community. They can download dozens of thinking tools that include: information organisers, task cards for immersion, criteria, planners and learning process models for student use. Teachers can also upload their own organisers etc. for sharing amongst the Lane Clark Community. Within the ‘get connected’ aspect of Lane’s site, teachers can also ‘find a colleague’ to work with on joint planning; they can connect their students to others who are also engaged in the real thinking and learning approach.
Lane provides workshop participants with support powerpoint presentations to guide them in further developing their knowledge and understanding of key tools and strategies shared during workshop sessions; and provides worked examples completed by students so that teachers can ‘see’ what the learning looks likes prior to implementing new tools and strategies with their learners.
Lane also offers more intensive personalized planning assistance for a fee. For more information on this service, contact us at
Support for Leaders
Given the role that leaders play in the successful implementation, but more importantly, sustainment of pedagogical change, Lane takes her support of leaders very seriously. Lane offers Leadership Network Days, where leaders from a diversity of schools, across regions, join together to learn from one another and with each other. While the focus of these days change in accordance to group need, past sessions have focused on the deepening and broadening of pedagogical knowledge and understanding associated with a real thinking, real learning school. Leaders have explored the relationship between staff member capacity and the ability to change; and have developed of an action plan to unleash the personal energy of all staff members in accordance to their capacity. Lane has introduced leaders to powerful change research and guided them in the practical application of new knowledge.
Most importantly, these days have provided the opportunity for leaders to connect with leaders to form the relationships necessary to grow as a community of change agents.
Support for Parents
Community support is critical if a school is to be successful in evolving its approach to teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation. Consequently, Lane provides complimentary parent presentations to schools that have committed to this change journey. During these parent sessions, Lane shares the research that underpins the need to change the way teachers teach and the way learners learn. She shares examples of the thinking and learning tools in action so that parents can see the power of this learning approach for their children.