Lane Clark Workshop Series

real. thinking learning assesment

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where thinking and learning meet™

Hawker Brownlow Publishing 2009 Authors: Lane Clark If it is our goal to see an increase in student levels of engagement, an improvement in student performance standards and learners skilled,…

where assessment meets thinking and learning

Hawker Brownlow Publishing 2010 Authors: Lane Clark A symbiotic relationship exists between thinking, learning and assessment. Criteria, void of thinking, result in little more than ‘quantity’ statements or statements of…


overview Why? Why do so many of us, as educators, believe that learners can become great thinkers without the explicit teaching of thinking tools, strategies and example? When we want…


overview Why? Why do so many of us, as educators, believe that learners can become great thinkers without the explicit teaching of thinking tools, strategies and example? When we want learners…

thinktank™ – processes for learning

Hawker Brownlow Publishing 2009 Authors: Lane Clark All ‘subject’ learning, requires the attainment of knowledge, skills and processes. Unfortunately, in most curriculum documents, it is only the knowledge and skills…

brain basics inquiry and immersion experiences

Hawker Brownlow Publishing 2002 Authors: Lane Clark Doctors could never do their job without understanding the body. How can learners do their job without understanding the brain? Here’s the ideal…

thinkchart™ organisers

All organisers are not alike!  Each elicits different types of thinking (comparative, inductive or deductive thinking, evaluative thinking or simple classification and identification).  Organisers also promote processing to different degrees. …


Criteria can be developed for processes, content and skills.  While interconnected, each type of criteria offers the learner a different direction and opportunity for growth.  Once learners become familiar with…